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Watering down the burnouts

Tips on dealing with burn out, which seems quite relevant, after seeing how the whole Major Design process, coupled with lots of other personal issues, took such a toll on me both physically and emotionally.

That said, it is a great celebration that we are done with our Major Design, and with our exhibition! Well, almost, there's still a few more days left until the end of our exhibition, but it feels like my side is almost complete now, so yay (:

One of the tips mentioned in the shared link above was to follow the three Rs - reset, recharge, and rest. These last few days have been a resetting of what my focus was, I have taken lots of time off to celebrate with friends and to recharge myself with the energy gained from our interactions, and I need to be better at resting, what with the last few nights being late nights. I return to work on Monday with that summer scholarship project, and it'll be an exciting process and I am deeply humbled for such an opportunity indeed.

Thus, I shall try to take tonight off and rest, deeply. It's exciting how yesterday marked a milestone in my pursuit of being a landscape architect - finishing Major Design and our exhibition. Today, it truly is the step to a new stage in life; not Monday, but today. By allowing that transition to spread out across a few days, I hope this would make me feel more prepared for Monday instead then!
5 CULTIVATING CHAI: Watering down the burnouts Tips on dealing with burn out , which seems quite relevant, after seeing how the whole Major Design process, coupled with lots of other pers...

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